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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Market Basket Deals 8/15-8/21

These matchups are for the Market Basket location in Leesville, LA. There are also Market Baskets in other areas of Louisiana and East Texas. The coupon policy can be found here online.

Market Basket will triple coupons up to $0.39 and double coupons from $0.40-$0.50. They will only double/triple 1 like coupon. “Final price” posted is with 1 double/triple coupon, if applicable.

Classico Pasta Sauce 15.24 oz $2

Planters Peanut Butter 15-16.3 oz $2
- $1/1 Planters (6/24 SS)

Ken’s Salad Dressings 16 oz $2.50
- $1/2 Ken's Dressing, 16 oz (8/12 SS)
- $1/1 Ken's Dressing, 16 oz (8/12 SS)

Hormel Kids Compleats $1.67
- $1/2 Hormel Completes Kids Microwave Meals (8/19 SS)  

Hormel Compleats $2
- $1/2 Hormel Completes Microwave Meals (8/19 SS)

Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheats Cereal 15.5-18 oz $3
- $1/3 Kellogg's cereal, 8.7 oz+ (8/5 RP)

Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops or Cocoa Krispies 14.7-21.2 $2.50
- $1/3 Kellogg's Krave, Frosted Flakes, Apple Jacks, Froot Loops, Corn Pops and or Frosted Mini-Wheats little Bites Cereals, 8.7 oz+ (7/29 RP)
- $1/3 Kellogg's cereal, 8.7 oz+ (8/5 RP)

Jimmy Dean Value Pack Breakfast Sandwiches 4-10 ct $4.49
- 55¢/1 Jimmy Dean, excluding rolls (7/29 RP)
- 75¢/1 Jimmy Dean, excluding rolls (7/29 RP)

Dr. Pepper 2L $1.50
- $1/1 DR Pepper Regular, Diet or Ten 12 pk or $1/2 2 liters (6/24 SS)

Dr. Pepper 12 pk 12 oz 3/$13
- $1/1 DR Pepper Regular, Diet or Ten 12 pk or $1/2 2 liters (6/24 SS)

Eggos Waffles or Pancakes 10.7-16.4 oz $2
- $1/2 Kellogg's Eggo Products (8/5 RP)  

New York Texas Garlic Toast, Bread Sticks or Ciabatta Loaf $2
- 50¢/1 New York Frozen Product (7/22 SS)

All 2X Laundry 50 oz $4
- $1/1 All Laundry Detergent, liquid powder or mighty pacs (7/29 RP)

Sparkle Paper Towels 8 reg rolls 2/$10
*there is a $2 off Q in the ad but I can’t read it

Angel Soft 9 Mega,12 dbl or 24 reg rolls 2/$10
*there is a $2 off Q in the ad but I can’t read it
- 25¢/1 Angel Soft, 4 double roll+ (5/20 RP)
- $1/2 Angel Soft, 4 double roll+ (5/20 RP)

Axe APDO $3.99
- $1/1 Axe Antiperspirant, Deodorant or Body Spray (7/29 RP)

TreSemme Hair Products Mousse, Gel or Hair Spray $2.99
- $3/1 TreSemme Styling WYB Shampoo or Conditioner (8/12 SS)

Crest Toothpaste 6.4 oz $1.49
- $0.75/1 Crest Toothpaste (7/29 P&G)

Playtex Gentle Glide 18 ct $4.59
- $1/1 Playtex Gentle Glide Tampons, 14 ct+ (7/22 SS)